Horse Show
Saturday, August 17, 2024
6:00 p. m.
General Admission
Adults $6.00, Children $3.00
Show Chairman : Dale Moreland

Judge: Tommy Thompson, Ranburne, AL
Announcer: Donald Dunn, Bowling Green, KY
Organist: John French Brantley IV, Knoxville, TN
Photographer: Terri Crowe, Jonesboro, IL
Horse show affiliated with Racking Horse Breeders Association of America and
Heart of America H.I.O.
Entry fees:
Class 1 - Free / Ribbons for Every Rider
Classes 2-18 and 20: $15.00 each entry
Class 19 and 21: $30.00 each entry
Entries will be taken before the show in the fair office.
Checks can be picked up at the office when they are ready.
Amount offered: $5,500
Class 1 - ribbons
Classes 2-18 and 20- $70-$55-$45-$35-$30
Class 19 and 21 - $300-$200-$135-$100-$75
1 - Lead Line Riders: 6 years old and Under, English or Western, No entry fee
2 - Specialty Action Youth Riders (Racking)
3 - Western Halter Horse (any age)
4 - Country Pleasure (Racking)
5 - 4 yr. old and Under (Racking)
6 - Youth Western Pleasure (18 years and under): Walk-Trot-Canter
7 - Amateur and Youth Racking (Racking)
8 - Trail Pleasure - Optional Tack (Racking)
9 - Western Ranch Pleasure, Walk-Trot-Canter
10 - Pleasure Racking
11 -Specialty Action Amateur Mens (Racking)
12 - Show Pleasure (Racking)
13 - Walk-Trot Pleasure - Walk-Trot Western
14 -Specialty Action-(4 year and Under) (Racking)
15 - 15.2 and Under Specialty Action (Racking)
16 - Specialty Action Amateur Ladies (Racking)
17 - Style Pleasure (Racking)
18 - Gaited Pleasure Western or English Tack (Any gaited breed - walk and favorite gait)
19 - Specialty Action Open (Racking) Championship Stake
20 - Open Western Pleasure - Western Horses
21 - Championship Stake (Racking)
Blankets & Pictures presented in each class to winner by sponsors
Questions: call Mike Meisenheimer: 618-833-8259 (home)
618-697-2311 (cell)
618-833-2123 (office)
Fair office: 618-833-8923
Union County Fair is Not Responsible for Accidents.